- medplant@unas.ac.id
- Jl. Sawo Manila, Ps. Minggu Jakarta 12520
- Medplant Universitas Nasional
Sinningia spesiosa (G. Lodd.) Hiern
No | Description | Information |
1 | Unique ID | GS-002-Fl |
2 | Species common name | Gloksinia English: brazilian gloxinia |
3 | Synonym | Gloxinia speciosa G.Lodd. ex Ker Gawl.; |
Ligeria speciosa (G.Lodd. ex Ker Gawl.) Decne.; | ||
Martynia speciosa (G.Lodd. ex Ker Gawl.) Loisel. | ||
4 | Family | Gesneriaceae |
5 | Part of plant used | Flowers |
6 | Main collector | N. Saribanon |
7 | Location | Bandung. West Java |
8 | Plant habitat | Terestrial |
9 | Cultivated (Y/N) | No |
10 | Traditional medicinal uses | Reduce the risk of stress. Fever. Flu. Cough and Pain |
11 | Antifungal Test | |
12 | Antibacterial Test | |
13 | Antioxidant Test |