Dr. Ir. Nonon Saribanon, M.Si.

Dr. Nonon Saribanon, M.Si lahir di Bandung, 31 Mei 1966. Kegiatan di Universitas Nasional menjadi Ketua LPPM Universitas Nasional dan juga Dosen Tetap Fakultas Pertanian. Dr Nonon menempuh Pendidikan Sarjana bidang Penyakit Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan di Universitas Padjajaran. Melanjutkan studi Magister Sains bidang Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia. Dan studi Doctor bidang Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan di Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Artikel Jurnal

1.       Saribanon, N., Utami, K. P., & Rahayu, S. R. (2021). Exploration of Ethno-medicinal Knowledge among Periurban Community of Hurip Jaya Village, Babelan, District Bekasi, West Java. Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, 1(2), 103-113.

Retrieved from http://e-journal.unas.ac.id/index.php/bio/article/view/49

2.       Ikhwani, Saribanon, N., Setia, T. M., Yuniarti, E., & Jumakir. (2021). Nitrogen-fixation and phosphate-solubilization bacteria isolated from alluvial and latosol soil paddy field. Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity, 22(11), 4722-4730.

Retrieved from https://smujo.id/biodiv/article/view/8501

3.       Saribanon, N., Siregar, M. A. P., Joshi, L. K., Zuhriansyah, Z., & Rubyawan , R. (2020). DIGITAL LITERACY AND ACCESS TO TECHNOLOGY IN THE EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Journal of Social Political Sciences, 1(2), 129-143.

Retrieved from http://e-journal.unas.ac.id/index.php/jsps/article/view/16

4.       Saribanon, N., Gustiani, W., Aditya Kusuma, S., Apriani, H., & Aria, A. (2021). ENHANCING HEALTH AWARENESS THROUGH COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION. Journal of Social Political Sciences, 2(4), 311-327.

Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.52166/jsps.v2i4.74

5.       Subagyo, B., Saipul, S., Ramadlan, A., Ramdani, M. Y., Ramadhona, Y., & Nonon Saribanon, N. S. (2020). ECOTOURISM DEVELOPMENT OF JAMBI LIBERIKA COFFEE THROUGH STAKEHOLDERS PARTICIPATION APPROACH . Journal of Social Political Sciences, 1(4), 298-318.

Retrieved from http://e-journal.unas.ac.id/index.php/jsps/article/view/30

6.       Saribanon, N., Abhinowo, G., Ilyasa, F. M., & Sinaga, E. (2019). Sustainable Livelihood Perspective On Rural Development In Pulau Bunyu Bulungan Regency Province Of Kalimantan Utara. International Journal Of Governmental Studies And Humanities, 2(1), 64-76.

Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.33701/ijgh.v2i1.571


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