
Indonesia MAGIC Library


Indonesia is undergoing mass deforestation, driving climate change and rapid species loss. Plants are essential sources of not only food and oxygen, but also crop protection agents, dietary/cosmetics ingredients, preservatives, and, most importantly, medicines. This escalating, irreversible loss of bioactive compounds threatens human health and well-being. It is most urgent to raise awareness about their value and protect the diverse organisms that make them. Biodiversity destruction is also a key factor behind zoonoses such as the COVID-19 pandemic.


MAGIC Library have several goals :

  • Via knowledge transfer, help position Indonesia as a world pioneer in collecting, cataloging, preserving, and studying the biochemical diversity of its flora for human health.
  • Help strengthen links between Indonesian policymakers, conservationists, and scientists with the aim of establishing long-term collaborations which may lead to improved conservation policy.

Run a workshop to enable Indonesian scientists to use RApid Metabolome Extraction and Storage (RAMES) technology for sustainable, field-deployable, efficient, ethical collection and preservation of plant biochemical diversity.

Universitas Nasional

Workshop On The Potential Of Tropical Plants For Health at Citalahab Sentral

Universitas Nasional

Bioprospeksi Tumbuhan Obat Indonesia

Create a comprehensive library of natural products from endangered Indonesian plants and use it as the foundation for a new research center promoting natural product R&D for human health. Provide opportunities for close interaction, discussion, and collaboration among Indonesian policymakers, conservationists, and scientists.