Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M.Sm.


021. Cnidoscolus aconitifolius leaves
No Description Information
1 Unique ID
2 Species common name Kencong. Kincung. Kecombrang. Honje. Siala. Bunga Rias. Bunga Kantan. Bunga Sikala. Asam Cekala (Indonesia); Torch Ginger. Painted Net Leaf. Nerve Plant (English).
3 Synonym Nicolaia elatior(Jack) Horan.
Nicolaia magnifica (Roscoe) K.Schum. ex Valeton
Nicolaia speciosa(Blume) Horan.
Amomum magnificum(Roscoe) Benth. & Hook.f. ex B.D.Jacks.
Cardamomum speciosum(Blume) Kuntze
4 Family Zingiberaceae
5 Part of plant used Flowers
6 Main collector E. Sinaga
7 Location Bandung. West Java
8 Plant habitat Terestrial. Gardens. House yards
9 Cultivated (Y/N) Yes (as spice plant)
10 Traditional medicinal uses Process as healthy drink to increase energy and help digestive process. The essential oils are used as a therapeutic agent for treating sore throats. sea and travel sickness. and relieve cramps and rheumatic pains.
11 Antifungal Test
12 Antibacterial Test
13 Antioxidant Test