- medplant@unas.ac.id
- Jl. Sawo Manila, Ps. Minggu Jakarta 12520
- Medplant Universitas Nasional
Cymbopogon citratus
No | Description | Information |
1 | Unique ID | PO-001-L |
2 | Species common name | Serai dapur. Serai Makan. Sereh Makan (Indonesia). West Indian Lemon Grass. Oil Grass. Fever Grass. Lemongrass (English) |
3 | Synonym | -Andropogon citriodorum |
-Acroceras citratus | ||
-Andropogon cerifer Hack | ||
-Andropogon nardus var. ceriferus (Hack.) Hack | ||
-Andropogon roxburghii Nees ex Steu | ||
4 | Family | Poaceae |
5 | Part of plant used | Leaves |
6 | Main collector | Noverita |
7 | Location of collection | west java. Bandung |
8 | Plant habitat | Terrestrial. Park. house yard. garden |
9 | Cultivated (Y/N) | Yes |
10 | Traditional medicinal uses | To reduce headaches. migraines and fever. Prevent gastro intestinal disorders. Overcoming obesity. and rheumatism. as well as deodorant. |
11 | Antifungal Test | |
12 | Antibacterial Test | |
13 | Antioxidant Test |