Averrhoa carambola


No Description Information
1 Unique ID OX-003-Fl
2 Species common name Belimbing manis. Belimbing Besi. Kembola. Carambola. Caramba. Belimbing Sagi. Kamrak (Indonesia). Star Fruit. Country Gooseberry (English)
3 Synonym -Averrhoa acutangula Stokes
-Sarcotheca philippica (Vilar) Hallier f
4 Family Oxalidaceae
5 Part of plant used Flower
6 Main collector Noverita
7 Location of collection UNAS lab's
8 Plant habitat Terrestrial. house yard. Garden.
9 Cultivated (Y/N) Yes
10 Traditional medicinal uses Control blood sugar levels. immunomodulator. stomach medicine. cardiovascular drug. medicine for chickenpox. intestinal parasites. headaches
11 Antifungal Test
12 Antibacterial Test
13 Antioxidant Test