Alternanthera sessilis (L.) R.Br. ex DC


Acalypha siamensis (teh-teh-an)-1
021. Cnidoscolus aconitifolius leaves
No Description Information
1 Unique ID AM-006-L
2 Species common name Kremah. Bayem kremah. Daun keremak. Keremek. Kremo. Juruk demah. Omak (Indonesia); Sessile Joyweed. Carpet Weed. Brazilian spinach (English).
3 Synonym Achiranthes sessilis (Mart.) (L.) Besser
Achiranthes triandra Roxb.
Alternanthera achyranthes Forssk.
Alternanthera angustifolia R.Br.
4 Family Amaranthaceae
5 Part of plant used Leaves
6 Main collector H. N. Adilah
7 Location South Jakarta
8 Plant habitat Terestrial. Roadsides. open neglected places
9 Cultivated (Y/N) No
10 Traditional medicinal uses Remedy to treat wounds. Flatulence. Nausea. Vomiting. Cough. Bronchitis. Diarrhea. dysentery and diabetes
11 Antifungal Test
12 Antibacterial Test
13 Antioxidant Test