Curcuma longa L.


Acalypha siamensis (teh-teh-an)-1
013. Curcuma domestica leaves1
No Description Information
1 Unique ID Zi-001-L
2 Species common name Kunyit. Kunir. Koneng (Indonesia); Turmeric (English).
3 Synonym Curcuma domestica Valeton
Amomum curcuma Jacq.
4 Family Zingiberaceae
5 Part of plant used Leaves
6 Main collector E. Sinaga
7 Location Bogor. West Java
8 Plant habitat Terestrial. Gardens
9 Cultivated (Y/N) Yes (as spice and medicinal plant)
10 Traditional medicinal uses Help reduce symptoms of colds. jaundice. and intestinal worms. improve digestion and can prevent bloating and abdominal discomfort. Topically used to relieve swellings and sprains. The paste can also be used on the face as a beauty treatment to soothe the skin and remove blemishes. 
11 Antifungal Test
12 Antibacterial Test
13 Antioxidant Test